Regional Directorate of Technical Education (RDTE) Recruitment For 22 Group C and D Posts 2013

Regional Directorate of Technical Education (RDTE), Nagpur invites applications for recruitment of Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ Posts, RDTE is going to fill up 22 posts through this job notification.

Dates to Remember:                                                                                                         

  • Last Date for application submission                             : 10-April-2013

Number of vacancies :                                                                                                      

There are total of 22 vacancies.

Eligibility Criteria :                                                                                                              

  • Educational Qualification : Candidates who supposed to apply for Group ‘C’ Posts should possess SSC, ITI, Typing Knowledge, Diploma in Engineering and also typing knowledge in Marathi and Hindi. For the posts of Group ‘D’ candidates should pass IV class. For more information regarding how to apply, selection method and other details go through notification.
  • Age Limit : Should be in between 18-33 years of age
  • Age Relaxation: Applicable as per rules.

Official Website:                                                                                                                    

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For full details like online apply procedure, age limit, challan /online payment fee information, Educational Qualification on Regional Directorate of Technical Education (RDTE), Nagpur recruitment 2013.Please visit the above link.